For our final under the sea creature, even though there are so many more, I've chosen the jellyfish.
Despite being creative and having a good imagination, I have never been able to draw a simple picture well. So for other parents that struggle like me, the jellyfish will be perfect as you won't have to draw anything apart from a semicircle or cut a paper plate in half.
Here is the jellyfish activity sheet. I think it's a very cute collection of things I found online and the dance is especially fun for children to learn.
While I have been putting these surprise packages together, I have also been busy editing and finalising the Wonderland Interactive Storytelling products. To stay up-to-date please remember to sign-up here. You can also see all of the activity packages I have so far released online in the Blog section of this website.
On Monday I will be back with a new exciting theme for the week. I have really enjoyed creating these under water surprise packages for Audrey and now for your child/children as well.
If your child is really into this and would like to add to their Under the Sea collection, there are so many more animals for them to make; crab, dolphin, shark, clownfish and the list just goes on.
All of these craft items are also great to use for a puppet show or to do some role play. What adventures will the sea creatures go on? Do they go to under water school? What are their favourite games to play?
Stay safe, enjoy your family time and have a lovely weekend.