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The Rabbit and the Crocodile is a story from the book Around the World. In this story, children will travel to Zambia exploring the culture and the land through a traditional Zambian folktale. Everything is set up so that it is ready for you to have straight away!

  1. Order it!
  2. Download it!
  3. Print it!
  4. And Have Fun!!!!


The Storywhizz option and activity set offers you the following:

  • A pdf copy of the selected story
  • A pdf Instruction Booklet
  • The pdf craft template and instructions
  • A pdf Bonus Game


Backstory & Focus of Around the World

Around the World is all about exploring different countries, traditions, believes and customs. This book is to get the children discovering the world, asking questions and open up their minds to where we come from and why it is that some things are the way they are. Some of the stories are adapted from original folklore or fairy tales, made suitable for this age group and what Wonderland Interactive Storytelling is, while others have been invented often using facts, historical events or cultural references and traditions.So have fun travelling around the world and exploring countries, people, customs and secrets, while at the same time developing SEL and communication skills.


Story Synopsis

A cheeky rabbit that does not want to listen to others advice. A cheeky rabbit that isn't careful and definitly loves to explore. However, it's also this cheeky rabbit that while it gets into trouble also manages to find a solution. It might come at a physical cost of losing its tail but the rabbit does gain a loving friend. Join our cheeky rabbit on its adventure and come up with creative solutions, solve problems, think outside the box and work together while learning to stay calm when things might look rather dark.

Zambia: The Rabbit and the Crocodile - Storywhizz and activity set

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  • Please note that this puchase gives you a lifetime licence for one user to use this product but does not imply ownership of the product itself. 
    Please contact the publisher if you would like more licences or you wish to share the product with you colleagues. 

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